
Finding Connection This Thanksgiving

Finding Connection This Thanksgiving

To Our Caliber Games Community,

As we approach the holiday this Thursday, we wanted to share some thoughts with our Caliber Games family, friends, and followers…

Family Can Be Messy

Whether it’s heavy-handed political conversations, overly personal questions, or weird casseroles, Thanksgiving is a less than relaxing holiday for some. As much as you love your family, it can be tough to get along with everyone (even for just one meal).

But that’s the beauty of family… Even with the challenge of different personalities, opinions, and generations, our love and shared history bring us back together around the dinner table.

Create Bonding Moments

This Thanksgiving, we encourage you to find places of connection and gratitude for the people you gather with. We live in a divisive world that seems to put the spotlight on our anger and disagreements. But we hope among our loved ones this Thursday, we can set those things aside and focus on the things that bring us together, whether that means a game of TowerBall or grandma’s mashed potatoes.

That’s why we founded Caliber Games and work at the mission of strengthening families and friendships through play… Because as we deepen our bonds through positive, playful experiences, we can work through the harder stuff with love and mutual respect.

For Those Apart From Family This Year

This holiday can also be challenging for some of us who aren’t able to be with the people we love. If that’s you, we feel for you and hope you can find some way to connect with yourself and others in a positive way, even through a simple phone call or FaceTime with someone you’re thankful for.

We're Thankful for You!

However this Thanksgiving looks for you, we are grateful to have you as a part of this community. If there’s ever a way we can support your family playtime, let us know at


Happy Thanksgiving,

Alex & Kelsey
Founders | Caliber Games